Spotlight on the 2018 WiM Award Judges

With submission for entries for the 2018 WiM Awards now open, this month we shine a spotlight on some of the WiM Award Judges – find out what they expect from a winning entry, why you should enter, and their thoughts on their own career progression.

Click on the links below for the full interviews:

  • Mack McKelvey, Founder / CEO, The Credentialed, USA who tells us what she’s looking for in a winning entry and talks about the two new categories Change Maker and Industry Shaper.
  • Patrícia Weiss, Chairwoman of the Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA), South America, Head of Branded Entertainment & Content strategy and Executive Producer at as she explains what new entrants should include in their entry and discusses her specialism in branded entertainment.
  • Christina Ioannidis, CEO of Aquitude discusses marketing in the Middle East from her Dubai offices.
  • Nicola Kemp, Trends Editor of Campaign magazine gives insights into the Journalist of the Year category and how you can put together a winning entry across the board.


Find out more about the WiM Awards Judges, the 12 award categories and how to submit your entry.

WiM Awards Judge Spotlight: Mack McKelvey

With submission for entries for the 2018 WiM Awards now open, we shine a spotlight on some of the WiM Award Judges

Founder and CEO of The Credentialed in the USA, Mack kicks off by explaining the impact of technology in marketing in the USA.


WIM: How is tech enabling marketing?
MMcK: Technology, particularly digital and social technology has enabled marketers to gain real-time sentiment, feedback and dialogue directly with customers. And, most importantly, we can use this to build stronger customer experiences, build richer products and ultimately better measure success.

WIM: What key elements are you looking for in an Awards entry?
MMcK: I want to see innovation and action. We are well past the days of talking about how leaders can make impact, I look for those who are attacking issues head on. I want to see leaders who are paving the way for their organizations’ success and are actively creating paths for those who work for them today, and for those that will follow behind them in the future.

WIM: What advice would you give to someone entering WIM Awards for the first time?
MMcK: First time award nominees need to remember that providing a thorough entry is key. The judges won’t likely know the nominees, their contributions, style, etc. Bring your career to life for us.

WIM: Tell us more about two new categories – The Change Maker and Industry Shaker Awards
MMcK: Change requires catalysts.
Change Makers and Industry Shakers will honor those leaders who have been persistent in driving change at the company level and the other for forcing the industry forward. Both are critical and we are excited to see the 2018 nominees.

WIM: Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years time?
MMcK: I spent about 18 years in publicly traded and privately held companies, but I never saw myself running a company of my own. I’ve been an entrepreneur for more than five years at this point and I can’t imagine going back ‘in-house’. So, in five years, I see myself in a scaled organization with greater global reach.


Find out more about the WiM Awards Judges, the 12 award categories and how to submit your entry.

WiM Awards Judge Spotlight: Patricia Weiss

With submission for entries for the 2018 WiM Awards now open, we shine a spotlight on some of the WiM Award Judges

Patrícia Weiss, Branded Entertainment specialist and Chairwoman of the Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA), South America tells us more about her specialist industry…


WIM: Patricia, tell us about your specialism in global branded entertainment
PW: Branded Entertainment goes beyond a content that entertains the audience and any kind of sponsorship or product placement. It is about the powerful intersection between brands, entertainment and people. It refers to a new way for brands to connect people’s hearts amplifying brand values without interrupting their lives bringing relevant messages that create value and make sense to the audience.
And in its best way is the encounter of the brand’s purpose with the human insight where the brand narrative is a meaningful story about people, not about the brand.
Branded Entertainment is not Advertising. The story can increase sales but it is not an explicit selling moment where the brand sells a products or an institutional campaign speaking about itself.

WIM: What key elements are you looking for in an Awards entry?
PW: I believe there are 3 key drivers that create a successful branded entertainment and content project: relevance, truth and meaning.
Stories where the hero and protagonist is the audience, finding the perfect meeting between the brand purpose or positioning and what is really important to people. Where brands should represent the society and be the catalyst of a broader conversation that is more people-oriented and less product-oriented, because great stories are bigger than products and humanize brands. It means brand legacy.

WIM: What advice would you give to someone entering the WiM Awards for the first time?
PW: Original and authentic brand narratives that generate human identification with people and establish emotional connection are those in which the story is related to us, based on truth and made for real people. When the brand’s truth is in tune with people’s truth through humanistic stories, it really creates value.

WIM: Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years time?
PW: The future is already here… so as today I feel so happy and extremely motivated with my choices, being helpful to our industry producing, being a consultant, teaching and writing about relevant and meaningful brand narratives, I believe that I will be doing almost the same in the coming years and hope that my book about The Branded Entertainment & Content and the power of truth is released.


Find out more about the WiM Awards Judges, the 12 award categories and how to submit your entry.

WiM Awards Judge Spotlight: Christina Ioannidis

With submission for entries for the 2018 WiM Awards now open, we shine a spotlight on some of the WiM Award Judges

Christina Ioannidis, CEO of Aquitude shares her experiences of marketing in Dubai and the Middle East…


WIM: Christina, tell us about marketing in Dubai and the Middle East
CI: I have been working in Dubai for 10 years and Marketing is in some ways very sophisticated and advanced. There are, however, areas where Marketers are being limited by their portrayal of their largest consumer group: women. Women are estimated to hold $930 billion of wealth in the Gulf Cooperation Countries; yet they are often still portrayed in very old-fashioned ways in a region where women are actually very sophisticated and very active. There are more women in the UAE Government, for example, than in many governments in the West. Entrepreneurship is also rife, women setting up their own business whilst also working in full-time roles. Marketers have to become braver and more creative; they have to fight off stereotypes as women in this region are getting tired of being pigeon-holed as traditional home-creators and mothers. They are much more than that. The dynamism and passion of women in Dubai, and this region overall, has staggered me – this is why I continue to educate our clients and work with them on pushing the envelope. For example, with our Top of Her Game platform (, the first of what I call a Social Movement Marketing platform we help brands make grass-roots change, whilst at the same time obtaining reach and engagement from local Arab women. The results have been resounding!

WIM: What key elements are you looking for in an Awards entry?
CI: WiM entries have to be marked by boldness and risk-taking. Women are excellent communicators, and at times they fall prey to hiding behind their own shadows. There are women have been so brave in the marketing world – and this is one of the areas I look for.

WIM: What advice would you give to someone entering WIM Awards for the first time?
CI: Take the opportunity of the nomination to be in the spotlight – you need to be recognised for your amazing work! Don’t hide!


Find out more about the WiM Awards Judges, the 12 award categories and how to submit your entry.

WiM Awards Judge Spotlight: Nicola Kemp

With submission for entries for the 2018 WiM Awards now open, we shine a spotlight on some of the WiM Award Judges

Nicola Kemp, Trends Editor at Campaign magazine gives her insights on the Journalist of the Year category.


WIM: Tell us about the Journalist of the Year category
NK: This is an award recognising a female or male journalist who is making their mark on the industry. Not just through outstanding writing and understanding (although that helps) but by addressing issues of discrimination and the challenges of driving of driving the diversity and inclusion agenda forward.

WIM: What key elements are you looking for in an Awards entry?
NK: Brilliant writing, creative thinking and a passion for what they are doing. Someone going above and beyond to really make a difference to the industry.

WIM: What advice would you give to someone entering the WiM Awards for the first time?
NK: Just do it, don’t delay, do it now and don’t let it drop to the bottom of your to do list. Don’t worry about making it perfect just worry about getting it done. These awards really matter and it is important to champion the people who really care about what they are doing and are actively making their mark and pushing for progress.

WIM: If you could enter a category, which would it be?
NK: This one! Being a journalist is a huge privilege and winning the Women in Marketing Journalist of the year is a fantastic honour.

WIM: Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years time?
NK: I’m always striving to get more balance in my life. So for me success looks like finding greater flexibility in my work and not being held back by the cult of presenteeism. In five years time I hope we have progressed as an industry, because we will not attract more women.


Find out more about the WiM Awards Judges, the 12 award categories and how to submit your entry.

The 8th Annual Women in Marketing Awards – Celebrating 100 Years of the Suffragettes Movement

Women in Marketing (WIM) CIC are pleased to announce the 8th annual Women in Marketing Awards – recognising and celebrating the achievements of women in the marketing, advertising and communications fields around the globe. Building on the success of the 2017 Awards, the first open to global entries, 2018 will debut the first WiM Awards Dinner on the 7th November 2018 at held the iconic Museum of London marking the centenary of the Suffragettes movement and women gaining the right to vote. The awards ceremony will be hosted by Gemma Greaves, CEO of The Marketing Society.

In 2004, Ade Onilude, a then member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Central London team, identified a need for women in marketing to be recognised and celebrated. This led to the first WiM event coinciding with International Womens Day on Work-Life Balance. Since then, the annual WiM events have grown and tackled topics such as ethical marketing, the creatives, branding and diversity in marketing, with the purpose of provoking discussion and inspiring women in marketing and the wider business community.

The popularity of the events led to the introduction of the awards in 2010; celebrating the achievements of women in the industry. Past WiM Award winners have included senior executives from HP, Burberry, Google, Facebook, Hearst UK, Havas, Diageo and Ogilvy & Mather.

Every year over the course of its history, the WiM Awards has been committed to ensuring the awards reflect the evolving nature of the marketing and media landscapes. 2018 will be no different. This year the awards introduces two new categories: The Change-Maker Award recognising entrepreneurial women disrupting existing ways of working, whether within their teams or across the industry; and The Industry Shaper Award recognising women driving change at the leading edge of marketing technology. In addition, the WiM Awards expects to see an even greater representation of global submissions.

The judging panel for this year’s awards comprises of influential individuals, identified and chosen to reflect the global reach of this year’s awards and high standard of entries expected.

The 2018 WiM Awards is now open for entries from brands, agencies as well as individuals around the world and hopes to highlight the need to recognise diversity and the inclusive behaviours of the industry.

A huge thank you to WiM’s longstanding sponsors HP, Inc and IPG for their continued support of the WiM Awards.

“This year’s ceremony is set to be an amazing evening celebrating the achievements of the stars of the marketing world. I look forward to meeting fellow colleagues, female and male, from the world of marketing and business for what will be a glamorous evening.”
Ade Onilude, Founder & CEO of Women in Marketing.

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